Departmental Directory
MAIN PHONE NUMBER for NYSPI - (646) 774-5000
Please contact RFMH HR about corrections
or adding your department's central phone number to this directory
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Departmental Description | Phone | Box | Location |
Business Office | | | |
Columbia University (Psychiatry) | 774-5335 | | |
New York State | 774-8301 | | |
RFMH | | | |
Children Day Care Unit | 774-7833 | | 2 South |
Education and Training | 774-8261 | | 1 South |
Emergency Management Command Center | | | |
Coordinator (Peter Reynolds) | 774-6630 | | |
Coordinator (Peter Reynolds) | 774-6680 | | |
Fax | 774-6662 | | |
Verizon | 795-0463 | | |
Verizon | 795-0464 | | |
VoIP | 774-6654 | | |
VoIP | 774-6655 | | |
Engineering | 774-6632 | | |
Environmental Services | 774-8637 | | |
Department Head | 774-8636 | | |
Supervisors | 774-8639 | | |
Supervisors | 774-8640 | | |
Human Resources | | | |
Columbia University (Psychiatry) | 774-5335 | | |
New York State | 774-8334 | | |
RFMH | 774-6599 | | |
Infection Control | 774-5807 | | |
Inpatient Units | | | |
4 Center | 774-7838 | | 4 Center |
4 South | 774-7813 | | 4 South |
5 South | 774-7822 | | 5 South |
Library | 774-8613 | | |
Mailroom | 774-5005 | | |
Medical Records | 774-8254 | | |
Mental Health Services and Policy Research | | 100 | |
Nursing | | 105 | |
Chief Nursing Officer | 774-7851 | | |
Nursing Administration | 774-7811 | | |
Nutrition Services | | | S |
Director of Nutrition Services | 774-8715 | | |
Kitchen | 774-6688 | | |
Outpatient Clinics | | | |
Alcoholism & Depression | 774-8000 | | |
Anxiety Clinic | 774-7000 | | |
Depression Evaluation Service | 774-8000 | | |
Eating Disorders Clinic | 774-8005 | | |
Late Life Depression Clinic | 774-8664 | | |
Lieber Schizophrenia Research Clinic | 774-8726 | | |
Memory Disorder Clinic | 774-6728 | | |
Memory Disorder Clinic | 774-8665 | | |
Pharmacy | 774-8737 | | |
PsyIT | 774-5777 | | Kolb L259 |
Quality Management | 774-8253 | | |
Residency Education and Training | 774-6300 | | |
Safety | | | |
Kolb Entry | 774-8500 | | |
Pardes Entry | 774-5100 | | |
Social Service | 774-5252 | | |
Storeroom | 774-6603 | | |
Washington Heights Communitiy Service | | | 4 South |
Audubon Clinic | 928-8300 | | |
Inwood Clinic | 942-8500 | | |
Warmline | 543-5413 | | |